Fee Schedule
Successions, shares, sales, etc.


Value notice: 350 € + eventual travel expenses
Argued value notice from 850 €  + eventual travel expenses
Comprehensive appraisal report from 1000 € up to 3000 € according to importance + travel expenses. Quotation on request.

If you give us a mandate to sell, the invoice amount of expertise will be deducted from the invoice of our sales fees.

Selling price from 800 000 € :  5 % including tax
Selling price from 400 000 € to 800 000 € : 6 % including tax
Selling price from 200 000  to 400 000 € : 6,5% including tax
Selling price up to 200 000 € : 7% with floor fees 10 000 € including tax

Fees charged to the seller or the purchaser

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